Monday, December 27, 2010

Diza at Christmas

Hi Sibyl and Henry,

Here's Diza at Aunt Ellen's house for Christmastime. Grandpa Charlie, Uncle Norman, and I visited
Aunt Ellen two days before Christmas. We played music and decorated the Christmas tree. Here are some pictures.

Nana xxx ooo

Wonderful birdhouse

Hi Sibyl,

Thank you so much for the lovely birdhouse. You worked so nicely to put it together
and paint it for me. You know I love birds. You do too!



xxx ooo

Friday, December 17, 2010

Snowy in Maryland

Hi Sibyl and Henry,

It's snowy here! Grandpa Charlie and I are getting ready for Christmas. Tell your Mommy that
nice packages came from you, one for Uncle Norman and one for Grandpa Charlie and I. Uncle
Norman will be back here in a few days.

Have a look at our house in the snow:

Love, Nana xxx ooo