Uncle Norman and I filmed the swans with their cygnets on the lake in Connecticut last week. Here's what we found: the cygnets now have big wings. They will soon fly away south for warmer weather. But they are staying close to their parents, the mommy and daddy swans. Watch how they go back in the water from their favorite rock on the lake's shore.
On Monday last week, Uncle Norman and I visited Diza and Aunt Amy in Manhattan. We went down Broadway to eat lunch together. On the way, Diza collected a bouquet of leaves. It is fall here, so there are lots of leaves that have fallen from the trees, even in the city. Have a look.
There has been a lot of digging on our street, right in front of our house in Maryland. Here's a video of the work. A big digger is digging down into the street and loading the dirt into a dump truck. Have a look:
Hi Sibyl and Henry, Grandpa Charlie and I went to the beach in Delaware. It was open, even in October. We went swimming! And we saw the wind turbine from the water. Have a look:
Here's a video of GG and I playing croquet. Croquet is a game in which you try to hit big wooden balls through wickets on the grass. Wickets are like little gateways. GG is very good at this game. She won!
Here's a video of a wren who came to check out our new wren house. He was trying to get a mommy wren to come stay in it. He didn't stay (he must have found a better place to nest), but
I wanted you to see the video of him looking inside.
A few years ago, a pair of wrens did stay in one of our old houses. So you will see a picture of the
baby wrens being fed, and then a couple of pictures of the baby wrens after they flew out of the house.
Do you remember how we visited the goats, llama and sheep at the zoo? Grandpa Charlie and I were so pleased that you and Mommy showed us that part of the zoo. It was so much fun to see you brushing the goats.
Your hair is so nice! Do you like to have it shorter? It was fun to see you on the computer on Saturday.
Grandpa Charlie and I got back from Hingham a few days ago. We saw Caleb and Noah there, along with Aunt Sarah and Uncle Elliot. Grandpa Charlie, Caleb and Noah all have the same birthday, May 18th. So we celebrated with birthday cakes.
Here are some videos of Caleb and Noah. They fit into the swing together!
We will be visiting you in just over a week from now. It will be so nice to see you again.
Here are the videos from the kayak trip Uncle Norman and I took down the Housatonic River, near his house. We took along a camera that can take pictures underwater. Have a look.
When I was at Aunt Ellen's house, GG and Aunt Amy were looking at an album of photos with you and Diza. Diza was there, and she saw pictures of you. Have a look.
Here's more about the new holly tree. The three men have taken it back beside the house. They dig a hole for the roots. Then they lift the tree into its hole. Afterwards, they put dirt and mulch to cover up the roots. Have a look:
Did you like your trip to see Hope and all your family in Columbus? Pop says you had a very nice time.
Today the big holly tree arrived in a truck. Have a look at how the three men who brought it took it out of the truck and brought it up to the side of the house.
In my next blog, I'll show you how they planted it.
It's been a long time since I have made a blog post for you. Grandpa Charlie and I will be seeing you soon. We are coming on March 17th, a day before your birthday.
Today, though, I want to show you how I am making you another puzzle with my scroll saw. Have a look.
We had so much fun together, you and I. We went to Stinson Beach, and the Randall Museum, and the Discovery Museum, and Mill Valley. And it was so nice to read with you, especially the books about the giraffe and a half, and James James Morrison Morrison.
Here's a video of Grandpa Charlie shoveling snow. We have so much snow here!
I miss you. Grandpa Charlie and I will be back in March.